57 SPECIAL | How a small organization is “baking a difference" for veterans in business. w/Meghan Ogilvie.

57 SPECIAL | How a small organization is “baking a difference" for veterans in business. w/Meghan Ogilvie.

Meghan Ogilvie, CEO of Dog Tag Inc., shares how her organization provides a transformative opportunity for veterans with disabilities, by combining a business education at Georgetown University with real life work experience at Dog Tag Bakery. Upon completion of the Dog Tag Inc. program, transitioned veterans are business ready, competitive and employable.

56 CULTURE | How to unlock creativity throughout your organization. w/Bernhard Schroeder.

56 CULTURE | How to unlock creativity throughout your organization. w/Bernhard Schroeder.

Bernhard Schroeder, Director of the Lavin Entrepreneurship Center Programs at San Diego State University, shares insights from his book: Simply Brilliant: Powerful Techniques to Unlock Your Creativity and Spark New Ideas. Find out how you can foster a culture of creativity and innovation at your company, to get the most from your team and stay ahead of your competition.

55 LEGAL | How to protect your online assets. w/Lin Eleoff.

55 LEGAL | How to protect your online assets. w/Lin Eleoff.

Lin Eleoff, internet business lawyer and founder of CoverYourAssetsOnline.com, shares insights on how business owners can protect their assets online - without having to spend a lot of money on legal fees. Learn how to assess and reduce your internet business risks, and take action to protect your websites and other critical online assets.