138 SALES | How to create a sales process that gets results. w/Brian Robinson.

138 SALES | How to create a sales process that gets results. w/Brian Robinson.

Brian Robinson, sales and marketing expert for companies such as Coca-Cola USA and Johnson & Johnson, shares insights from his Amazon #1 Best-Seller, THE SELLING FORMULA: 5 Steps for Instant Sales Improvement. Learn the five powerful steps that Brian has meticulously developed, tested, and used for over 20 years as a top-performing sales professional and marketing innovator, to drive more sales for your business and create more satisfied customers.

136 LEADERSHIP | Why your leadership language may be limiting your growth. w/Krister Ungerböck.

136 LEADERSHIP | Why your leadership language may be limiting your growth. w/Krister Ungerböck.

Krister Ungerböck, employee engagement and global business growth expert, shares insights from his research on the language of leadership. Learn how to change the way you listen and respond to your team to increase employee engagement,  and become a more effective leader.