39 FINANCE | How to lower your taxes by $20,000 or more this year! w/John Pollock.

39 FINANCE | How to lower your taxes by $20,000 or more this year! w/John Pollock.

John Pollock, CEO of Financial Gravity, created the first national tax firm specifically designed to help entrepreneurs reduce their personal tax liability by an average of $21,000. Find out what your accountant is not telling you, and learn some of the important strategies you can employ now to lower your taxes and increase your profitability in 2016.

38 LEADERSHIP | How veteran business owners are making a big impact. w/Travis McVey.

38 LEADERSHIP | How veteran business owners are making a big impact. w/Travis McVey.

In this special edition of Business Owners Radio, U.S. Marine Corps Veteran Travis McVey, founder of Heroes Vodka, shares insights on his journey from serving as a Presidential Honor Guard from 1989-1992, to becoming a successful vetrepreneur.  Discover the remarkable impact that business owners can have when they have a mission that goes beyond making a profit.

37 STRATEGY | How to negotiate smarter and make better deals. w/Chris Voss

37 STRATEGY | How to negotiate smarter and make better deals. w/Chris Voss

Chris Voss, CEO of the Black Swan Group and former lead international kidnapping negotiator for the FBI, shares insights from his book: Never Split The Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It. Find out how to use his proven techniques to close better deals, save money, and solve internal communication problems.