217 LEADERSHIP | How to apply the wisdom of global industry, diplomacy, and advocacy to entrepreneurial success. w/Hamish Thomson

217 LEADERSHIP | How to apply the wisdom of global industry, diplomacy, and advocacy to entrepreneurial success. w/Hamish Thomson

Hamish Thomson, seasoned global executive, board director, start-up adviser, and author, shares insights from his latest book: "It's Not Always Right To Be Right," an autobiographical account of business and personal insight from 30 years of corporate experience. Learn leadership lessons from 17 leading international business experts you can apply to be more successful n business and life.

216 LEADERSHIP | How thinking like a coach can make you a high-performing leader. w/ Bill Eckstrom

Bill Eckstrom, CEO of EcSell Institute, is considered one of the world's foremost authorities in metric-based performance coaching and growth. Bill shares insights from his book "The Coaching Effect," which he co-authored to help leaders understand how coaching is the key to increasing sales, enhancing performance, and sustaining growth. Learn the critical performance drivers and high-growth activities that coaches must execute to build a team motivated to achieve at the highest levels.

215 LEADERSHIP | How to navigate the ups and downs of life-long entrepreneurship. w/ Bob Schlegel

215 LEADERSHIP | How to navigate the ups and downs of life-long entrepreneurship. w/ Bob Schlegel

Bob Schlegel, a seasoned entrepreneur and author, shares insights from his latest book: "Angels and Entrepreneurs: A Lifestyle Formula for Starting Your Own Business and Riding the Roller Coaster of Entrepreneurship." Learn the five foundational pillars that are needed for a successful life as an entrepreneur.