102 PRODUCTIVITY | Why a virtual Chief of Staff should be your next hire. w/Maddy Niebauer.

Maddy Niebauer, CEO and Founder of vChief, helps overwhelmed leaders get on top of their to-do list and spend their time where they can have the most impact. Find out how you can outsource some of your most time consuming strategic efforts such as project management, planning, and operations to give your business the extra horsepower you need - at a fraction of the cost of a full-time hire.

About Maddy Niebauer

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Maddy Niebauer, CEO and Founder of vChief, helps overwhelmed leaders get on top of their to-do list and spend their time where they can have the most impact. The virtual chief of staff service supports leaders from all sectors and domains, who are looking for high-level strategic support on a part-time basis.

Maddy spent five years as a Chief of Staff at Teach For America, working virtually with a member of the organization’s leadership team. She discovered she loved the fast-paced, ever-changing nature of the work, and the ability to truly leverage a leader’s time so they could be more productive and successful. She knew many leaders could benefit from this service on a part-time basis, which inspired her to launch vChief.

vChief’s network of chiefs of staff are seasoned leaders with a depth of experience in strategy and operations, who can help visionary leaders maximize their time. Maddy has more than 20 years of professional experience, including 8 as a chief of staff, and an MBA from Columbia Business School and Bachelor’s Degree from Stanford University.